I can not believe that you screamed that out! I know you to be such an in control individual...Don't ask what I screamed out unbeknownst to me while standing in front of the video camera recording the final State Championship game! It happens.

Congratulations on another great read and oh so true. The Great Resignation in my opinion applies to so much more than just a work ethic of today. Society is where it is because we allowed it to happen. For some odd reason so many people seem to want to be not themselves but a character stepping out of District One in the Hunger Games. How strange can I make myself look? Ray Bradbury created his illustrated man in 1951, today he would be just another character walking down Main Street America. We have become sloppy, in how we dress, how we behave, how we teach our children social manners and how we relate even to a Supreme Being. The R word that is missing across society is RESPECT! As a child we were taught respect for elders, anyone in a uniform, teachers, etc. Now kids challenge authority and parents applaud it by saying my child is unique or my child marches to his own beat! I, like you, have been blessed with children who get it! I don't know if we did something right or we were just very lucky but they see the world and what is wrong with it. They understand you can't go through life with two mitts on always ready to catch but no free hand to throw back. They appreciate the fact there is no such thing as entitlement! Work and earn it then reap the rewards. Keep them coming.

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You may have recognized the reason and reconciliation for youngsters ruefully returning to work. Is that assonance or alliteration?

Great article. Keep up the good work (from home). 😂

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